Tuesday 29 January 2013

2005 - ONE Batch at a Time

"Naughty Hotel Keeper"
I need to catch up! I made Chocolate Chip Cookies on Nov. 30 because I was craving them. I made one batch and wound up with 5 dozen. Since I'm not going home to Kentucky this year, I decided not to make any double batches. There might be a few repeat performances though! Especially since I plan to give some away to teachers, mailmen, neighbors, shop people, etc. And I'd like to send some to Joan, Neil's mum.

Lisa called that day too, to say that her Dunkable Brownies had arrived and that they were deelish! As of yesterday, Michelle still hasn't received her Lime Meltaways. Maybe today ... Yesterday, the last of my Chex cereals finally arrived! Whoo-hoo! I couldn't make it right away, though, because I was going to Charlie's school, where he was playing the "naughty hotel keeper" in the Nativity play at school. Charlie reckoned the innkeeper was naughty because he wouldn't let Mary and Joseph stay at first, and then they had to stay in the stables.

When we returned home, I made a batch of Chex Party Mix. Again, I made only one batch. But it's delicious and going fast! The recipe calls for 1 cup of mixed nuts, which I've never liked, so in the past, I have always added 1 cup of cashews. Mom had a yummy idea — add pecans. She was so right! The pecans were a fantastic addition and made a tasty change.

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