Sunday 25 November 2012

1993 - Foreword (& Forward)

My sister Lisa and I decided to start Our Cookie Journal this year so we can keep track of “signature” changes to recipes we use each Christmas; what and how much we’ve made; what we liked and didn’t like; and just general reference notes for future sessions. And aside from thinking of ourselves as cookie perfectionists, we’re hopelessly sentimental! It will be fun looking back on our trials and tribulations of Christmas baking through the years. 
We had three baking sessions this year and I’d say we were fairly organized. The first time, we both took off work the Monday after Thanksgiving. It was baking frenzy at its finest! We worked from 9 to 5 (while her two older girls were at school). Rachel, the baby, made a few appeals but nothing too demanding. Our two other baking binges were weekends but we overcame the little distractions and had splendid results all around.
We baked 62 dozen cookies, two pans each of Barb’s Brownies, and two pans each of the Peanut Butter Fingers that Grandma Baker used to make.